Spring is a great season. It is lively, bright and promising. In this bright season, women also want to look good, particularly when it comes to their clothes and makeup. There are many lipstick shades that best suit the season of spring. Ever since lipstick has been invented, new shades have been produced each year. This spring, new lipstick shades are being produced as well.
Several manufacturers have gone to a lot of trouble producing nice, rosy pink colors. They have great names such as “Spring Pink” and are supposed to be worn along with lavenders, flower prints and blues. Some of the great colors of lipsticks you can wear this spring include the tangerine lipstick. It is a staple lip color for the spring season.
Also great colors for the season are the nude lipstick of soft flesh shade. These are great neutral colors that will contrast your tan. Moreover, these compliment a bold eye shade you will be sporting. For a better result, consider a black liner around the eyes. For some unexplainable reason, the red lipstick will always be a trend, regardless of the weather. With many lipstick manufacturers always producing new red shade lipstick versions, it is easy to always be ‘in’ with a red shade. It matters not if your skin tone is light, medium and dark; there are hundreds of red shades that will suit you perfectly during this season.