Choosing Lipstick Shades

As a woman, it would not be a good idea to just grab a lipstick with whatever color. You should choose lipstick shades that match your complexion and hair color. There are times when you get too excited in experimenting various lipstick shades and end up getting frustrated about the color mismatch with one’s complexion.

If you have a fair skin, then most likely, berry, plum red, wine reds with a blue undertone will look best for you. Moreover, beige, brown-lights flatter fair skins. Moreover, pink undertone lipsticks falter a fair skin as well. Fair-skinned women should stay away from loud and bright pink lipsticks.

Oriental complexion is better off with rich, deep brown reds and dark berry shades. Keep away from reds, oranges, pink and reds because they will enhance the yellow undertones of your skin. In addition to that, if you have yellow skin, you should keep away from pink lipsticks. Women with medium skin should use deep rich pinks, rich caramel shades, deep reds, medium brown with pink or yellow undertones. Creamy coffee colored brown lipsticks will do as well. Do not wear browns that are very pale since they could make your skin look washed out and ashy. Dark skin should use reds with blue undertones. Mahogany, wine reds, deep plums and any shade of brown, dark, coffee browns flatter the skin. Orange undertones should be avoided.